ThaisFlowers Interview / Spotlight Form May 13, 2024Thais Mills Lets get started, what's your REAL NAME? * Please, no social media handles.. that's later ;-) First Name Last Name Email * Oh and check your SPAM for my email, we all know how that is. Address Be on watch! A few ThaisFlowers may arrive soon. Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country SOCIAL MEDIA. Facebook? @ SOCIAL MEDIA. Instagram ? @ SOCIAL MEDIA. You Tube? @ SOCIAL MEDIA. Twitter? @ What's your Hometown? If different from your address... Phone We chat a spell before our interview, where to call? (###) ### #### What's your favorite color and why? Colors that impact us say a lot.. what's your ultimate color? Do you own any ThaisFlowers items? Heck yes I do! No but lets change that. If YES, what item do own ? Thais Flowers ThaisFlowers Pillow ThaisFlowers Mug ThaisFlowers Socks ThaisFlowers Tee YOUR PRODUCT. Want to send me your book/product etc.? Once our interview is secured, my address is sent directly. Yes NO What personality trait speaks to you most? Bold / Outspoken even Indoors ; -) Quiet / I stay in my lane Artsy / See me coming in color miles away Nerdy / Catch me Reading anything Ole School / 70's baby all day Minimalist / I dont need much to vibe How Do You #BloomOnPurpose ? This question connects us all. What have you overcome? TELL ME YOUR BUSINESS... Literally. Describe your company / brand in 200 words or less. ACCOMPLISHMENT. What are you looking to gain in this interview? Meaning... after we're done what will the audience know? HOT TOPICS. What would you discuss? OFF TOPICS. What topics do you not wish to discuss? Projected Interview Date What date at 12pm EST are you available for at least 40 minutes in the next 14 calendar days? MM DD YYYY INTERVIEW AGREEMENT. Please Read & Acknowledge Below I (see name above) agree to Good Times Only during my LIVE with Thais Mills! Yepper Peppers Yes Bring it on Thais!!! Yahzzzzzzz Thank you! Gallery